
Saturday, 27 November 2010

Whatever happened to our Summer Garden?....

Hi everyone,......... I have been quite busy this week and hoping to post a "Sneaky Peek" of my work in progress. But some of my ideas are in the very early stages of something that I want to launch next year so I am afraid that it is "Under Wraps" at the moment.
I shall post some of my general artwork as soon as possible......

However...... the weather has become the main news this week...........
There has not been snow of this nature in November for 17 years......
Last winter was also very unusual...... I do hope that it disappears soon.

Just look at my garden...... I thought the pic of my nieghbours washing line with the snow on the branches looked like a pattern in the making..... Actually reminded me of cotton growing.

Then my very sad garden furniture..... no cocktails in the sun here...... Hot chocolate and a spade to clear the snow I think...

This pic....... some remains of the lovely Autumn colours....... with snow icing the leaves.....

I see a great geometric pattern happening here ..... black, blue and white.......

And the view this afternoon from my utility room......... I shall keep indoors all warm and cosy.........

And now continue with my "Under Wraps" collection..........


  1. I've found your blog:)
    Love the top pic with the snow.

  2. Thanks....... Its an instant design........ I am doing some at the moment off other photos...... there are not enough hours in the day.........Its so great pattern is back in style...... nice to be connected.

  3. Thanks....... Its an instant design........ I am doing some at the moment off other photos...... there are not enough hours in the day.........Its so great pattern is back in style...... nice to be connected.

  4. I love the first picture with the "blobs" of snow echoed in the textile on the right! Gorgeous!

  5. Thanks.... funny how her towel has similar shapes.....


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