An extremely long time since I have posted anything on this blog..... the main reason is I have a blog on my
website but due to being so busy over the last few months I have just not had a chance to update my website and consequently I am now having problems actually updating the blog and the other pages.
I am not very technical at the best of times so I need to do my homework to bring my website into 2016..... irritated to say the least.
However I thought I would share here the last project I completed at the end of last year.
My "Pollys Garden Party" mural has been painted on to canvas in two parts and applied to the wall using a clay based adhesive. Each piece is 1metre wide and 2.7 metres long. Here are a few photos of the work in progress.
First, a rough sketch to establish layout |
After mapping out the layout on the canvas and pencilling in the main motifs, I then mixed the main colours.
Mixing the colours |
Then I worked the layout out by pinning on to the wall and applying the large areas of colour
Pinned to wall to paint the larger colour areas |
Back in the studio to work on all the areas in greater detail
top and centre of mural |
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